Current Election

Ninth Regular Inspector General Election

Current Election Status

Voting Finished

bonzmanifest image

Bonz Manifest

It is an honor to be nominated & be running for the position of OIG. My goal is to raise awareness about how the community can be more involved with the process of evaluating guilds in an effort to help create a better, and more transparent system, that would serve to decentralize this process. My vision would be to create a community based DAC, that would include guild members, past and present OIG's as well as members of the community, that could all contribute to doing the difficult job of verifying the value and contributions of the guilds. The WAX community DAC could be so much more then just a governance body to evaluate guilds. I envision this decentralized autonomous organization, to be the much needed bridge between the WAX organization and the community. This system could provide the much needed incentive structure to reward those community members who contribute to the wax ecosystem. The DAC could serve as not only a system to evaluate guilds, but to also evaluate and reward the value creators of the community itself. Obviously this is a huge undertaking and would involve assembling the best and brightest from the wax community,to create the system and define the parameters that would determine the rewards system and the voting structure. This all begins with defining the methods of and creating a more transparent process for rating guilds that can begin to incorporate a more "peer to peer" based system then one based on just a small number of individuals. As the value of the WAX ecosystem grows, so too does the importance of the integrity of the system that holds the guilds accountable. I have already reached out to Kaefer, and offered my time and energy to help him implement his ideas and hopefully continue to iterate on this idea of a peer to peer, community based initiative as well as the great work already done by the existing OIG's. Thanks you for considering my candidacy with your vote.