Current Election

Ninth Regular Inspector General Election

Current Election Status

Voting Finished

waxwhalesnft image

Jason Grovert

Hi! My name is Jason Grovert - I'm a Chief Information Officer providing Executive Leadership for over 25 years and deeply passionate about our WAX community. Serving in the Office of Inspectors General would leverage the best of my professional and personal experience to serve and grow all aspects of the our WAX community and ecosystem. From a professional side, my Technology Executive experience brings unique qualifications and experience from leading companies ranging in size from small startups to large Fortune 500. I provide an innovative and strategic perspective while implementing proper governance for all participants. Personally, I have dedicated my free time to WAX for quite some time now. I am the founder of WAX Whales where we provide community discussion and technical assistance to creators & influencers. In addition, our community provides a place for strategic, advanced, discussion about the WAX ecosystem. We have launched the NFT game Square Rooted which currently has over 184K NFTs in the collection, is listed on WAX's official discord service, orange check verified in Atomic Hub, and leverages some of the most advanced game mechanics of NFT games today. I also host a live stream, WAX Whales LIVE, and am well known across the community (however, if we haven't met - please send me a message and introduce yourself!). I would appreciate your vote in representing you and our WAX community in the Office of Inspectors General. I commit to open, transparent communication and investing time to work across all areas that need leadership and governance to improve our WAX community we all love and are a part of..